Ojojoj vad fina!

2012-05-25 @ 22:44:18 Permalink Allmänt Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Jesper och Adina påväg till studentbalen. Dom är så fina! Oj vad det känns i mammas hjärta!



Jesper och Adina på bal

2012-05-25 @ 09:47:15 Permalink Allmänt Kommentarer (1) Trackbacks ()


Gott kaffe

2012-05-22 @ 14:06:10 Permalink Hälsa Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Om man vill vara säker på att dricka koffeinfritt kaffe som inte dekaffeiniserats med giftiga och farliga metoder, så ska man köpa caffé HAG. De var de som uppfann "vattenmetoden" för att dekaffeinera kaffe.
Vi dricker kaffe med mandelmjölk. Fantastiskt gott, nästan som att ha amaretto likör i kaffet!!!

Nytt köksredskap

2012-05-22 @ 13:58:14 Permalink LCHF Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Jag åkte på marknad i Voghera i lördags efter jobbet och zonterapin. Massimo skulle spela där på kvällen med Jukebox Band. Vi köpte goda får- och getostar, nötblandningar, en "dödskallescarf" och ett fantastiskt verktyg att strimla grönsaker med. Vi provade att göra "spaghetti" och det funkade perfekt! Zucchinin ska bara koka i ca 10-15 sekunder för att vara al dente.



Avbrutit på Promea

2012-05-21 @ 11:32:46 Permalink LCHF Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

I morse klockan 08 ringde vi till Promea och avbröt försöket. Hade kanske varit bra att åka dit och få ett bra avslut, men jag var så förbannad efter fredagens besök där så jag kände att jag inte orkade. Vi hade dessutom redan bestämt oss, så att åka dit med allt vad det innebär en måndag med bilköer, bränsle pengar, tullavgifter på autostradan, Massimos förlorade arbetstid och kostnaden för VUL och blodprov kändes onödigt. Resan fram och tilbaka tar 3 timmar trots 130 väg, de är alltid 1-2 timmar försenade så man är lagomt irriterad när man får komma in. Träffar man då en sarkastiskt, ironisk läkare som i fredags så är det lätt att bägaren rinner över.

Varför rann bägaren över då i fredags?
Hade en annan läkare, en kvinna Dottoressa Parise. Ryktet har tydligen gått att jag kontaktat CFC. Nämnde ju sist att jag övervägde att göra IVF där.
"Om de är så bra på äldre och svåra fall så är det lika bra du avbryter och går direkt dit". Jag berättade om en kvinna på Föräldraliv som blivit gravid vid 45 och hon svarade att hon med all sannolikhet ljög och istället gjort äggdonation! OM det var sant så borde CFC ta upp det på nästa kongress...
Jag kokade inombords.

Hon hade inte heller hört om Crash IVF, Single Follicle Single Embryo Transfer eller Japanen som de erbjuder på CFC (Dessa har de presenterat på världskongressen). Hon menade också tvärtemot vad experten sa att autoimmuna sjukdomar inte spelar in, samt att det är något man föds med och då skulle jag inte ens kunnat fått mina söner.
Överhuvudtaget hade hon en otrevlig ton och ett snett sarkastiskt leende på läpparna. Det fick mig att bli riktigt förbanad.
CFC har även spindelmikroskop, erbjuder avlägsning av fragmentering, Assisted Hatching med laser som är mer säkert än med AHA osv. Massor av fördelar. Svend Lindenberg var även helt överens med mig om tilläggsmedicinering.

Nu ska vi boosta oss under sommaren så att vi är i form till hösten. 7-keto/DHEA har redan gett resultat. Är fortfarande mullig efter all kortison men kilona har börjat att "rinna" av mig. Känner mig piggare, fräshare och gladare än på länge!


2012-05-20 @ 12:17:51 Permalink Hälsa Kommentarer (1) Trackbacks ()

Sage has one of the longest histories of use of any culinary or medicinal herb. Ancient Egyptians used it as a fertility drug (Bown, 1995). In the first century C.E. Greek physician Dioscorides reported that the aqueous decoction of sage stopped bleeding of wounds and cleaned ulcers and sores. He also recommended sage juice in warm water for hoarseness and cough. It was used by herbalists externally to treat sprains, swelling, ulcers, and bleeding. Internally, a tea made from sage leaves has had a long history of use to treat sore throats and coughs; often by gargling. It was also used by herbalists for rheumatism, excessive menstrual bleeding, and to dry up a mother's milk when nursing was stopped. It was particularly noted for strengthening the nervous system, improving memory, and sharpening the senses. Sage was officially listed in the United States Pharmacopoeia from 1840 to 1900.

Sage Tea or infusion of Sage is a valuable agent in the delirium of fevers and in the nervous excitement frequently accompanying brain and nervous diseases. It has a considerable reputation as a remedy, given in small and often-repeated doses. It is highly serviceable as a stimulant tonic in debility of the stomach and nervous system and weakness of digestion generally. It was for this reason that the Chinese valued it, giving it the preference to their own tea. It is considered a useful medicine in typhoid fever and beneficial in biliousness and liver complaints, kidney troubles, haemorrhage from the lungs or stomach, for colds in the head as well as sore throat, quinsy, measles, for pains in the joints, lethargy and palsy. It has been used to check excessive perspiration in phthisis cases, and is useful as an emmenagogue. A cup of the strong infusion will be found good to relieve nervous headache.

The German Commission E approved internal use for mild gastrointestinal upset and excessive sweating as well as for external use in conditions of inflamed mucous membranes of the mouth and throat. An unpublished, preliminary German study with people suffering from excessive perspiration found that either a dry leaf extract or an infusion of the leaf reduced sweating by as much as 50%.

In Germany, sage tea is also applied topically as a rinse or gargled for inflammations. Sage extract, tincture, and essential oil are all used in prepared medicines for mouth and throat and as gastrointestinal remedies in fluid (e.g., juice) and solid dosage forms (Leung and Foster, 1996; Wichtl and Bisset, 1994).

Sage has been used effectively for throat infections, dental abscesses, infected gums and mouth ulcers. The phenolic acids in Sage are particularly potent against Staphylococcus aureus. In vitro, sage oil has been shown to be effective against both Escherichia coli and Salmonella species, and against filamentous fungi and yeasts such as Candida albicans. Sage also has an astringent action due to its relatively high tannin content and can be used in the treatment of infantile diarrhoea.

Its antiseptic action is of value where there is intestinal infection. Rosmarinic acid contributes to the herb's anti-inflammatory activity.

Sage has an anti-spasmodic action which reduces tension in smooth muscle, and it can be used in a steam inhalation for asthma attacks. It is an excellent remedy for helping to remove mucous congestion in the airways and for checking or preventing secondary infection. It may be taken as a carminative to reduce griping and other symptoms of indigestion, and is also of value in the treatment of dysmenorrhoea. Its bitter component stimulates upper digestive secretions, intestinal mobility, bile flow, and pancreatic function, while the volatile oil has a carminative and stimulating effect on the digestion. It has a vermifuge action. There also seems to be a more general relaxant effect, so that the plant is suitable in the treatment of nervousness, excitability and dizziness. It helps to fortify a generally debilitated nervous system.

In 1997, the National Institute of Medical Herbalists in the United Kingdom sent out a questionnaire to its member practitioners on the clinical use and experience of sage. Of 49 respondents, 47 used sage in their practice and 45 used it particularly in prescriptions for menopause. Almost all references were to sage's application for hot flashes, night sweats, and its estrogenic effect. The age range of the menopause patients was 40 to 64, with an average of 49.76. Three-quarters were aged 47 to 52. Forty-three practitioners also noted its use in infections, mainly of the upper respiratory tract, 29 reported its use in sore throat, and 15 reported its use in mouth and gum disease, taken in the form of gargles and mouthwashes. Another main area emphasised by the respondents was its use as a general tonic, for fatigue, nervous exhaustion, immune system depletion, and poor memory and concentration, at any age. Dosage form preference was also reported. Sage was prescribed as tea (aqueous infusion) by 37 practitioners, alcoholic tincture by 30, fresh tincture by 14, alcoholic fluidextract by 2, fresh juice by 2, and fresh leaf by 1 (Beatty and Denham, 1998).

It is well documented that Sage leaf helps to reduce menopausal sweats. In one study, excessive sweating was induced by pilocarpine. The sweating was reduced when participants were given an aqueous extract of fresh Sage leaf. In a further study 40 patients were given dried aqueous extract of fresh sage (440mg) and 40 were given infusion of sage (4.5g) herb daily. Both groups of patients experienced a reduction in sweating.

Sage has a strong anti-hydrotic action, and was a traditional treatment for night sweats in tuberculosis sufferers. Its oestrogenic effects may be used to treat some cases of dysmenorrhoea and menstrual irregularity or amenorrhoea and can reduce breast-milk production.

Research has suggested that the presence of volatile oil in Sage is largely responsible for most of its therapeutic properties, especially its anti-septic, astringent and relaxing actions. Sage is also used internally in the treatment of night sweats, excessive salivation (as in Parkinson's disease), profuse perspiration (as in TB), anxiety and depression. Externally, it is used to treat insect bites, skin, throat, mouth and gum infections and vaginal discharge.

It is thought that Sage is similar to Rosemary in its ability to improve brain function and memory. In a study involving 20 healthy volunteers Sage oil caused indicated improvements in word recall and speed of attention. Meanwhile the activity of Sage and its constituents have been investigated in the search for new drugs for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease with promising results.

ESCOP (European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy) indicate its use for inflammations such as stomatitis, gingivitis and pharyngitis, and hyperhidrosis (ESCOP, 1997).


2012-05-13 @ 21:59:55 Permalink Hund & Katt Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Bangsi behöver ett nytt hem innan sista maj!
Hans mattes sambo har svår astma och klarar inte av att leva med katter. Bangsi är en brun kastrerad burmahane med stamtavla. I stamtavlan hete han S*ulzix Bangsi. han är 8-9 år, jag kommer inte ihåg säkert. Han är halvbror till min burmahona Gaia, de har samma mamma, Lovestory's Quendi Tinuviel som kommer fån min uppfödning. Mamma Tinny ska flytta hem till mina söner.
Maila mig på [email protected] om intresse finns!


Bangsi och mamma Tinny


2012-05-11 @ 01:42:32 Permalink IVF Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Idag var jag till sjukhuset i vår Provinshuvudstad Alessandria. Jag irrade bort mig i korridorerna, det var första gången jag var där. Skulle träffa en hematolog för att diskutera behandling vid IVF och Faktor V leiden.

Jag hade tagit med mig text kopierad från Alan Beers hemsida som beskrev vilka prover man behövde ta.
Han började med att be mig berätta om våra IVF försök samt att han gick igenom min journal. Han frågade mycket och där i mellan skrev han på datorn. Döm om min förvåning, när han var klar räckte han över remisser föe blodprov samt ett brev till minhusläkare med behandlingsplan framöver! Proverna överensstämde i stort med de som Alan Beer nämner; ENA, ANA, AMA, NDNA, C3, C4, VES, PCR, LAC, anticardioliplin antikroppar och anti beta 2 GP1 samt full blood count. Full Blood Cunt ska jag sedan ta var 7:e dag. Jag ska även börja med Clexane i morgon, 4000 ie om dagen under hela sprutperioden till 30 dagar efter. Vid eventuell graviditet måste jag kontakta honom omedelbart för att lägga upp en ny behandlingsplan. jag vet inte heller vad han tänkt sig om blodproverna påvisar något.
Clexane ska jag ta fram till jag tar hCG sprutan, göra ett uppehåll kvällen före äggplock och sedan börja med det igen på kvällen efter äggplock. Jag behövde alltså inte visa honom mina papper som jag hade med mig. satte mig sedan i bilen helt förundrad och jämförde remissens blodprover med Alan Beers. Det finns visst bra läkare!

Vid Äggplocket på Promea togs en full Blood Count som visade på Leukocyter 13,8 och högsta refernesvärdet är 10. Trombocyter var 140 och där ligger högsta värdet på 130. Min kropp signalerade stark infektion och det borde inte ha skett ett ET efter tre dagar. I och med att detta prov togs på Promea så var de fullt medvetna om detta och borde ha valt att frysa alla embryona. Det är märkligt att ingen reagerar och säger något. Jag själv är ju helt novis och förväntar mig att läkarna ska tala om för mig om något inte är som det ska.

Ett fantastiskt vin!

2012-05-11 @ 01:17:10 Permalink Mat & Vin Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()


Detta är ett fantastiskt gott vin. Ett Moscato vinificato secco från Colterenzio i Trentino. Ett moscato är ju i regel sött med låg alkoholhalt. men detta har man låtit jäsa och bli ett torrt vitt vin med en otroligt fruktig smak. Det fyller hela munnen med smak och näsan med doft. Det kan lagras i 2 år. Planerar att ta hem några flaskor i juli och låta mina vänner ta del av denna fantastiska smakupplevelse. passar till antipasto, ljust kött, kryddiga rätter. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....

Tack alla fina

2012-05-11 @ 01:10:43 Permalink IVF Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Jag vill tacka mina virtuella vänner för era fantastiska bidrag! Vi har aldrig träffats men ni har kommit att stå mig närmre än många andra. Bara ni känner till ångesten, tvivlen, hoppet, tankarna som mal. Ni är det stödet och det bollplank jag behöver. Kramar till er!

Insamling till ett sista försök i DK

2012-05-09 @ 00:23:43 Permalink IVF Kommentarer (2) Trackbacks ()

Vi har kämpat med IVF i ett år, blev gravida på första försöket men missfall, snålat, sparat för att få ihop till våra IVFer. Våra pengar är slut, kliniken har inte kommit med så mycket idéer. Säger bara att jag har bra förutsättningar. Men min kropp verkar stöta bort alla embryon. Vi får ingen hjälp eller möjlighet att prova på andra lösningar.
Nu har vi bestämt att försöka att ta oss till Danmark och Copenhagen Fertility Center till hösten. Vi ska försöka att leva så snålt det bara går (som vi redan gjort).

Om någon av er känner att ni vill ge ett bidrag för att göra vår dröm verklighet så tas det tacksamt emot på mitt Nordea konto. Clearingnummer 1401 kontonummer 3722763.
Vi kommer att vara er evigt tacksamma!

Kramar Mary & Massimo

Det gick åt skogen på Promea

2012-05-08 @ 21:42:48 Permalink IVF Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Det inte så bra igår på Promea. Får inte starta med sprutor på måndag. Det blir långa metoden för mig.
Jag har 4 stora folliklar 22-25 mm stora, 2 på var sida, som borde ha lossat när jag hade ÄL  Då hade jag alltså kunnat bli gravid med 4st om min kropp varit vänligt inställd. Vi prickade ju in ÄL, jag har en monitor. Men tydligen har någonting gått snett i kroppen denna gång. Bara det att kroppen förberedde 4 ägg för ägglossning... Sen att de inte lossade trots att det visade estradiol topp på monitorn.

Han tror att det kan bero på 7keto eller DHEA. Han kollade upp 7keto och det har visat sig att det finns kvinnor som reagerat på 7keto. Det kan även bero på hard core zonterapi eller så har kroppen fått sig en skjuts av hormoner efter sista FET. Han menade på att hCG sprutan kan ställa till det. Jag som normalt utvecklar runt 24 antrala folliklar utan stimulering ska absolut vara försiktig med att laborera själv med preparat som  kan påverka hormoner.

Jag började igår med att spruta Decapeptyl för att nedreglera och ska göra det i 12 dagar. man börjar eg. på CD 21 men jag var på 22, det gick bra ändå. Om det ser ok ut den 18:e så får jag börja spruta annars får vi avbryta.

Jag måste nämligen göra ET innan jag fyller 43 annars går det på 3000 euro (då är inte alla prover och mediciner inräknade). är det ok den 18:e så kan det bli ÄP den 30:e juni och ET den  2:a. Även om det skulle bli fina och många så blir det ingen blastocystodling alltså.
Vi har inte 3000 euro nu. Vi lägger ändå de pengarna hellre på CFC till hösten. Sambon har ca 20 spelningar i sommar så vi får försöka leva snålt och lägga undan.

Jag ska till hematolog på torsdag och har nu även fått en remiss till en immunolog. Har letat nu ett par timmar efter en och det verkar som de jobbar på hematologen dit jag ska. Eftersom ingen svarar på tel så hoppas jag kunna avhandla allt på en gång då. Läkaren i Turin sa att faktor V leiden räknas in under immunologi precis som mina andra problem. Hoppas  att de skriver ut Clexane och kanske något för att sänka immunförsvaret.

Har telefontid med CopenhagenFertilityCenter den 16:e, ska bli intressant. Vi får spara och snåla hema sommaren så kanske vi får råd.

Nu hoppas jag bara att kroppen svara som den ska på nedregleringen och gör sig av med dessa folliklar.
Har redan lite känningar i äggstockarna idag, kanske vanligt vid långa metoden?
Sedan i söndags kväll har jag jätteont i brösten, värre än annars innan mens. Trodde ett ögonblick att jag kanske var gravid...

motion med runkeeper 6 maj

2012-05-06 @ 16:40:02 Permalink Träning Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

motion med runkeeper 4 maj

2012-05-06 @ 16:35:07 Permalink Träning Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

motion med runkeeper 3 maj

2012-05-06 @ 16:30:59 Permalink Träning Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Herbs that improves your cycle

2012-05-06 @ 16:03:56 Permalink IVF Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Castus (Vitex or Chaste tree berry)This is the herb of choice for helping to restore hormone imbalance and increasing fertility. In  study 48 women diagnosed with infertility took agnus castus daily for three months, 7 of them became pregnant during that time and 25 of them regained normal progesterone levels.Agnus castus is particularly helpful for those women who have a luteal phase defect (shortened second half to the cycle) or those with high prolactin levels, because it stimulates the proper functioning of the pituitary gland which controls the hormones.
Agnus castus works to restore hormonal balance and can be used where there are hormone deficits as well as excesses it:
  • Regulates periods
  • Restarts periods which have stopped
  • Helps with heavy bleeding
  • Increases the ratio of progesterone to oestrogen by balancing excess oestrogen.

Eleutherococcus senticosis (Siberian Ginseng) is an ancient and highly respected Chinese tonic with a wide variety of medicinal uses. Chinese herbalists recommend Siberian Ginseng to restore vital energy and promote overall systemic functioning. It is known to support sexual functioning and to promote fertility and is often recommended as an aphrodisiac. It can also be very beneficial in the treatment of infertility related to stress. Used regularly, Siberian Ginseng can regulate the menstrual cycle, improve hormone balance and tone the uterus to improve the ability of the fetus to implant after conception.

Cimicifuga racemosa (Black Cohosh) has been used for thousands of years by native Americans and some forms of the herb have also been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is used for a variety of complaints, but has become well known in the Western World for its beneficial effect on hormone functioning due to its phyto-estrogenic properties. Black Cohosh is also used by herbalists to prevent miscarriage. Many women miscarry very early in pregnancy and may not even realize that they have been pregnant.

Fertile xx contains a blend of these three herbs.Where there are no structural or genetic causes of infertility, Fertile XX helps improve fertility and ensures female reproductive systems are in peak health to increase chances of conceiving. Corrects hormone imbalances and regulates ovulation, promoting production of healthy eggs. If struggling to conceive, Fertile XX treats problems making it difficult to fall pregnant, ensuring all systems in reproductive process are operating normally to increase chances of pregnancy.

Egg quality

2012-05-05 @ 21:42:38 Permalink IVF Kommentarer (3) Trackbacks ()

How your menstrual cycle reflects your egg quality

As you may know, there is no one perfect test for egg quality. So, we look at a host of different variables. One of the most helpful is your menstrual cycle.

Each menstrual cycle is governed by the growth of a single egg. This is how it works: over the course of 10-14 days the egg will grow from immaturity within an antral follicle, and turn into a large, hopefully-soon-to-be-fertilized, mature egg in its dominant follicle. Both the egg and the follicle have to be functioning properly for the cycle to go well.

The dominant follicle makes estrogen, and once you ovulate, progesterone. Estrogen and progesterone together govern the activity of your uterus, which you experience as your menstrual cycle

If you have a healthy egg, you have a healthy follicle, and you expect a healthy menstrual cycle.

This means the reverse is true too: when we think that your menstrual cycle is going well, we strongly suspect that you must be making healthy, high quality eggs.

Here are the factors that we look at when deciding if a given menstrual cycle is going well.

Menstrual Cycle History

Day of ovulation

Ideally ovulation will occur days 11 or 12. Delayed ovulation -day 13 or later- is not a sign of egg quality concerns; in fact, it is more commonly a sign of an excess ovarian reserve, generally a good thing. But early ovulation -days 8,9, or 10 of the cycle- implies lower quality eggs.

Premenstrual Spotting

Once the egg is released, the leftover follicle (now called a corpus luteal cyst) makes progesterone. Progesterone stabilizes the lining of the uterus.

A low-quality follicle is less likely to be associated with enough progesterone, and therefore the woman may notice a shorter luteal phase, and/or premenstrual spotting.

Cycle Length

Long cycles are ok, but short cycles are not. If previously-28-day-cycles are now 26 days, it suggests egg quality is failing. Cycles are shorter because of the early ovulation and shortened luteal phases described above.


Menstrual Cycle Lab Values

Peak Estrogen

Just as the woman is about to ovulate, estrogen will be at its maximum level. Estrogen effects may be noticed as spinnbarkeit . We can also measure estrogen levels through blood tests; peak estradiol is between 500 and 1000 pmol/litre per healthy follicle. When cycle monitoring, ask your clinical team what your peak estrogen was: bigger numbers are better. If the level is towards 500 (or lower) per mature follicle, then egg quality may be a concern.

Peak Progesterone

Progesterone is made by a healthy corpus luteal cyst. Peak progesterone values, traditionally measured on “day 21″ of your cycle (but more accurately recorded 7 days after ovulation) is usually 30 ng/ml or higher for a fertile cycle.


Melatonin Helps IVF Success and Egg Quality

2012-05-02 @ 14:29:45 Permalink IVF Kommentarer (1) Trackbacks ()

Melatonin may be able to help women with poor egg quality - typical of women in their mid thirties to early forties - who have low ovarian reserve to have more success with IVF. A new study has shown that women who take 3 mg of melatonin at night can expect to almost double the IVF success rates of women who don't take the supplement which is usually used for insomnia and jet-lag.

Melatonin may be protective when trying to conceive naturally also as the positive effects are achieved through protecting egg quality from free radical damage which is important however conception is achieved.

Melatonin is both a natural hormone, powerful antioxidant and free radical quencher produced in the pineal gland. Secretion is especially concentrated at night as the hormone has a role in inducing sleep cycles and production is stimulated by darkness. Melatonin levels are known to diminish with age and with exposure to light during sleep. Shift work is also very disturbing to melatonin secretion. Regular sleep in a totally dark room can help to keep your melatonin levels strong.

Previous studies on melatonin have show that it has a powerful regenerative action on the self-repair mechanisms within cells. This kind of protective activity can help to keep cell-division healthy, preventing damage to cellular DNA. This aspect of melatonin has been a focus of cancer research as healthy cell division is critical for keeping cells cancer free - it would seem that the same mechanisms can protect cell division in oocytes (eggs) too.

Excessive oxidative stress caused by free radicals within ovarian follicles is thought to be an important cause of poor egg quality. Oxidative damage can cause substantial harm, damaging DNA and negatively altering chromosomes and the way that cells divide. These forms of damage can make an egg infertile and increase the risks of birth defects.

Antioxidants such as melatonin naturally fight free radicals and minimize the damage that they cause. Melatonin seems to be more effective and protective than most other antioxidants in this capacity as it has multiple protective effects and stimulates the activity of other antioxidants too.

Some oxidative stress and inflammation is essential for ovulation to occur in natural conception cycles. As the egg bursts out of the follicle - which is a process driven by inflammation - antioxidants such as melatonin confer critical protection against some of the damage that naturally occurs at this time. Previous studies have shown that melatonin within ovarian follicles does powerfully protect eggs from the kind of oxidative stress that happens during ovulation.

The new research on melatonin and IVF was pioneered by Dr. Hiroshi Tamura, a Japanese researcher from Yamaguchi University, Japan. This study measured the levels of an oxidizing free radical molecule (8-OHdG) contained within the follicular fluid and known to have a damaging effect on oocytes (eggs) within the follicles. The researchers discovered that as melatonin levels increase within follicular fluid - the levels of the harmful oxidizing molecules decreased.

Other studies have shown that melatonin powerfully scavenges various kinds of free radicals that cause oxidative damage - in oocytes and sperm - and does so more effectively than many other kinds of antioxidants - especially when protecting DNA.

When the researchers tested the theory that melatonin may be have a protective role in IVF they selected a large group of women who had already failed an IVF cycle due to poor egg quality. Approximately half were given 3 mg of melatonin at 10pm at night and the other half were not given any. This quantity of melatonin was found to both boost the levels of melatonin within ovarian follicles and drop the levels of the damaging pro-oxidant 8-OhdG.

When the oocytes (eggs) for the IVF were fertilized, the oocytes from the melatonin group had a 50% fertilization rate and a 19% pregnancy rate.

In the group without melatonin the fertilization rate was almost halved at 22.8% as was the pregnancy rate at 10.2%.

The study concluded that: "oxidative stress causes toxic effect on oocyte maturation and melatonin protects oocytes from oxidative stress. Melatonin administration is likely to improve oocyte quality."

Other studies have shown that women with higher levels of antioxidants in follicular fluid have higher fertilization rates too but this is the first time melatonin has been measured in this capacity. This mechanism may be another reason why the Mediterranean diet improves fertility also - it is rich in naturally occurring antioxidants.

The lead researcher in the IVF study, Dr. Tamura, stated that "Despite great advances in assisted reproductive technology, poor oocyte quality remains a serious problem for female infertility, and so far no practical and effective treatment for improving oocyte quality has been established. Our work show that oxidizing agents can lessen oocyte quality, and that this can be countered by action of the hormone melatonin. In addition, our clinical trial shows that melatonin treatment improves oocyte quality, leading to a higher fertilization rate."

The study "Melatonin and Reproduction Revisited" describes melatonin as "...an uncommonly safe molecule that lacks demonstrable toxicity even when given in exceptionally high doses throughout pregnancy..." which is reassuring. It is important not to take melatonin before driving or operating machinery, it can make you very sleepy.

DHEA and fertility

2012-05-02 @ 14:09:02 Permalink IVF Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

DHEA supplementation
is a relatively recent development for female infertility, used primarily in women with diminished ovarian reserve (DOR). Diminished ovarian reserve occurs either due to premature ovarian aging (POA) in younger women, or as a consequence of female aging. Introduced into fertility treatment by CHR in 2004, DHEA supplementation has, worldwide, demonstrated remarkable results. Many women who had been advised by other fertility centers that their only chance of conception was with egg donation, have still conceived under our care, with use of their own eggs. In those women with diminished ovarian reserve, DHEA supplementation with IVF protocols developed at CHR has, therefore, contributed to life-changing events.
Since the first publication on DHEA in 2005, and following a series of publications refining the utilization of DHEA and expanding understanding of the underlying mechanisms of DHEA, DHEA supplementation has gradually gained worldwide momentum. A survey of IVF centers in 2010 found that about a third of all IVF centers in the world were already utilizing DHEA to improve pregnancy chances in women with DOR by improving quality and quantity of oocytes (eggs) and embryos.

DHEA's Beneficial Effects on Female Fertility
The investigators at CHR have successfully utilized dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA, a mild male hormone that is converted to testosterone and estardiol in the body) for a number of years in women with diminished ovarian reserve (DOR), whether their low ovarian function is due to advanced age or premature ovarian aging (POA). In doing so, we have been able to demonstrate that in such women, DHEA supplementation has quite remarkable beneficial effects, best summarized as rejuvenating ovarian function. DHEA's effects on women with premature ovarian failure (POF), however, need more research.
Beneficial DHEA Effects on Female Fertility
  • DHEA increases IVF pregnancy rates
  • DHEA increases the number of eggs and embryos
  • DHEA improves the quality of eggs
  • DHEA improves the quality of embryos
  • DHEA reduces aneuploidy (chromosomal abnormalities) in embryos
  • DHEA reduces the risk of miscarriages
  • DHEA shortens the time to pregnancy
  • DHEA increases spontaneous conceptions
  • DHEA improves cumulative pregnancy rates in patients under fertility treatment

DHEA's Side Effects
The most common side effects are oily skin, acne and hair loss.

Unexpected Side Benefits of DHEA
We have been surprised how often we hear from our patients how much better DHEA supplementation makes them feel overall. The likely explanation for this observation is that many women with DOR demonstrate low androgens (male hormones). CHR's investigators are currently exploring this issue further.
  • Improved overall feeling
  • Feeling of being physically stronger
  • Improved sex drive
  • Feeling of being mentally sharper
  • Feeling of better memory
Such claims should not surprise, as other investigators reported that DHEA appears to improve cognitive functions in women (Davis et al., Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2008; 93:801-8). They specifically noted that higher endogenous DHEA levels are independently and favorably associated with executive function, concentration and working memory.

The Impact Of Carbs On Infertility

2012-05-02 @ 14:02:54 Permalink IVF Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

It may be hard to believe that eating carbohydrates can impact on your fertility levels, but this is what scientists are claiming in their latest research. When you eat carbohydrates, your body breaks them down into sugars. These sugars are absorbed into your blood stream causing the pancreas to release more insulin in response.


One of the side effects of high insulin is that it increases the production of male hormones by the ovaries and therefore increases the hormone levels in the blood. This hormonal imbalance can affect the balance that is necessary for reproduction and ovulation and results in ovulatory infertility.

What Does The Research Claim?

The Nurses Health Study which was done in association with Harvard University studied more than 18,000 women. The study looked at diet and lifestyle among women hoping to conceive over an eight year period.

The study revealed that women who ate easily digested carbs (fast carbs), such as sugared soda drinks, white bread and potatoes, increased their chances of contracting ovulatory infertility.

In contrast, those who ate slowly digested carbs that are richer in fiber had improved fertility. These foods included vegetables, dark breads, brown rice and beans.

In addition to the carbohydrate revelation, the study also examined the affect of dietary fats on ovulation and reproduction. They found that women, who have too much stored energy, often have difficulty conceiving. The facts revealed that  women who consume more trans fats, are more likely to suffer from ovulation related infertility. Those who ate more unsaturated fats were less at risk.

What Were The Recommendations?

The research concluded that the quality of the carbs that women are eating, has more influence than the amount. Eating a lot of fast carbs constantly boosts blood sugar and insulin levels. This affects hormone levels and the natural pattern of ovulation, and can reduce the chances of getting pregnant.

Eating foods like whole grains, vegetables and beans which are all good sources of slow carbs, can improve ovulation and your chances of becoming pregnant.

What Is The Connection To Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)?

PCOS is a condition that affects 5-10% of women of child bearing age, and can cause infertility. Research has found that many sufferers of PCOS have insulin resistance. This causes them to have higher levels than usual of insulin in their blood. These raised levels interfere with ovulation.

A low carb diet can help to regulate insulin levels and in doing so, lead to improved fertility.


Many doctors are quick to prescribe drugs for ovulatory problems such as PCOS. The latest research has raised the notion of treatment through nutritional management. It may not be the magical answer for all fertility problems, however, a nutrition plan that includes low carbs could help to reduce insulin and promote fertility.

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2012-05-02 @ 13:57:38 Permalink Träning Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

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